15 April 2012

The Invention of Hugo Cabret - Brian Selznick

The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Brian Selznick

I was on the waiting list at the library for about a month and a half for this book, but it was worth it. It didn't take very long to read, because a large part of the story is told through pictures, but it was fantastic. I had seen the movie in February, around Academy Awards time, because it was nominated for so many things. I would have liked to have read the book first, but I didn't have access to a copy and I really wanted to see the movie.
They are both excellent, and the movie is such a good recreation of the story. The Invention of Hugo Cabret is about a young boy named Hugo who lives in the walls of a Paris train station fixing the clocks and trying to fix something his father had shown him. He meets Georges and Isabelle and the adventure takes off from there.
There wasn't much actual text in this novel, despite it being 533 pages (including acknowledgements), but there didn't need to be much writing. The illustrations told such a good story, and they were entirely necessary. I don't think this story could be told as effectively in just words. Even just flipping through and looking at the pictures you get a good sense of the story. 
My absolute favourite part is page 378, when Hugo and Isabella are looking out from behind the clock at all of Paris. Not so coincidentally, it was probably one of my favourite parts of the movie as well.
Speaking of the movie, the adaptation was very true to the story, with just a few things changed (i.e., there were some more action sequences and stuff like that), but the actors they chose fit the illustrations in the book so well.  
I have this book from the library until the 5th of May, so I'll probably read it again before then. I did read most of it in the car ride from my house to my school yesterday (it's about an hour and a half drive), so it doesn't take very long to read. 
I would highly recommend this book to people who don't have a lot of time to read and who liked the movie, as long as they can get over the fact that it's so long.

I give this book 4.3 stars out of 5. I just really really liked it. 

Have you read Hugo? Did you see the movie? Did you like either of them? Leave your answer in the comments!

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